7/24/24 – Tropical Update: Still no ‘official’ activity in the Atlantic; Tropical Storm Bud forms in the Pacific.

The Atlantic is still very quiet as we near August. With a couple of tropical waves to discuss, it is just a waiting game to see when any development will occur. Looking at the Pacific,…

Read more of 7/24/24 – Tropical Update: Still no ‘official’ activity in the Atlantic; Tropical Storm Bud forms in the Pacific.

Storms continue through the weekend, drier next week with tropics becoming more active again: Southern MS/AL/LA Weather Forecast – 7/24/24

No major changes to the forecast. Still looking rather damp. There are showers and a few rumbles of thunder out there this morning as you get up and moving. Radar shows more rain stretching from…

Read more of Storms continue through the weekend, drier next week with tropics becoming more active again: Southern MS/AL/LA Weather Forecast – 7/24/24

Local Forecast for Southern MS/AL/LA – 7/23/24: Similar weather pattern over next couple days, with potential shift of rain chances soon.

Happy Tuesday! The next few days look similar to last week, with high chances for rain as the day progresses and high heat indices from increased humidity. These showers/storms are still more scattered, especially the…

Read more of Local Forecast for Southern MS/AL/LA – 7/23/24: Similar weather pattern over next couple days, with potential shift of rain chances soon.

Chances for rain continue, drier weather on the horizon: Southern MS/AL/LA Weather Forecast – 7/23/24

The weather pattern today and tonight remains unchanged from the past few days, As the day warms up, showers and a few thunderstorms will develop where surface-based instability is higher. Showers will move slowly at…

Read more of Chances for rain continue, drier weather on the horizon: Southern MS/AL/LA Weather Forecast – 7/23/24

Local Forecast for Southern MS/AL/LA – 7/22/24: Cooler week with continued showers/storms.

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Our week looks similar to this past weekend, with cooler temperatures and rain chances each day. Highs are expected to stay in the upper 80s to…

Read more of Local Forecast for Southern MS/AL/LA – 7/22/24: Cooler week with continued showers/storms.

Rains continues, but hey, at least it is cooler: Southern MS/AL/LA Weather Forecast – 7/22/24

The weather pattern is mostly unchanged through the weekend. Still warm, still humid, still a chance for showers and storms. I don’t think the models are handling the extra shots for rain very well. I…

Read more of Rains continues, but hey, at least it is cooler: Southern MS/AL/LA Weather Forecast – 7/22/24

A Wet End of July – Weekly Outlook for MS/LA/AL 7/21/24

If you know who the man is below, you already know what I’m about to say… It’s Gonna Rain! We’ll have several days of rain and thunderstorms ahead. The stalled front we’ve been talking about…

Read more of A Wet End of July – Weekly Outlook for MS/LA/AL 7/21/24

National Forecast for 7/21/24: Hot in the West, monsoonal moisture in the Southern Rockies, and Shaharen dust for Florida

Happy Sunday, I hope that your weekend is going well. We have quite a lot to talk about for this forecast, so let’s get into it. Looking out west, we have an extremely strong upper-level…

Read more of National Forecast for 7/21/24: Hot in the West, monsoonal moisture in the Southern Rockies, and Shaharen dust for Florida

Tropical outlook for 7/21/24: Dusty in the Atlantic and a couple of disturbances in the Pacific

It’s been another generally quiet week for hurricane activity in the United States, and I am expecting this trend to continue for the next several days. Looking into the Atlantic, I am expecting no tropical…

Read more of Tropical outlook for 7/21/24: Dusty in the Atlantic and a couple of disturbances in the Pacific