Today’s AI Forecast (yup, a fully AI-done forecast)

So, I’m trying something new this morning — an AI-delivered forecast built from the NWS Forecaster Discussion. This means, I’ve had an LLM read the local NWS forecast discussions and summarize the text in a short, 1-minute long paragraph. I then feed that paragraph to an AI creation tool and get the following Audio.

For clarification: I did zero work on the forecast delivered above. It is an accurate forecast (I made sure) but I didn’t write it, I didn’t do any of the math. Nuthin!

I’m considering trying to work out a way to add something like this to the daily forecast — if people are interested. I know sometimes I can be rather verbose in my write-ups and there may be a place for a quick 1-minute summary being read to you. Or, perhaps, creating some sort of delivery service on the app, where you tap a square and it plays this recording.

This takes a bit of legwork right now, but I’m hopeful that it gets easier in the future or as I find/learn about different ways to work through the creation process.

What do you guys think?

Author of the article:

Nick Lilja

Nick is former television meteorologist with stints in Amarillo and Hattiesburg. During his time in Hattiesburg, he was also an adjunct professor at the University of Southern Mississippi. He is a graduate of both Oregon State and Syracuse University that now calls Houston home. Now that he is retired from TV, he maintains this blog in his spare time.

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