Some of you may remember reading about my Uncle, Pete Luty, back in 2020. He is my personal superhero. He is also fighting cancer. And has been for two years now.
As I said two years ago, to me this guy is indestructible. During the last few years he has made such progress. He went through round-after-round of Chemo. Then surgeries. Then radiation. He was like a machine. Doctors were constantly surprised that his body would rebound so well after treatment – and that he was ready for another round.

But I wasn’t. This is a guy who taught me to never give up. Motivated me to overcome so massive obstacles. I was surprised the doctors were surprised. I’m sitting here like, “Y’all just don’t know Pete.”
He was the real-life Batman. He’d take a Chemo treatment one day and then a few days later go for a 10-mile bike ride. This man knows how to battle. As a family we have a big biking trip planned for Labor Day. He signed up for a 50-mile race!
And he is two-years deep into a fight with Cancer.
And let me tell you guys something. I’ve never been more proud of another human in my life. Watching him wake up every day and choose to fight. Not only for himself. But for us. He is fighting this fight because he knows how much we love him. How much we want him in our lives.
I have no words. I love him.
Its been inspirational. But Cancer. Damn it. Its the worst.
After a long fight he has been told he has less than a month to live. Maybe even just a week.
Cancer sucks.
This is unfathomable to me. Still. Even after two years. I have never even heard him say ouch. Not a single time in my 38 years on this planet. Even during treatment! I think he said he was “uncomfortable” to me once.
So many times we say “Life’s not fair” but this one takes the cake.
I wish you guys could’ve known him. But if you know me, I suppose, you know him. He is such a big part of who I am. I didn’t realize it until I took a step back and looked around. Most of my hobbies are because they were his hobbies. Some of my mannerisms are his mannerisms. There are pieces of advice he gave me at 15-years-old that I still live by.
One piece of advice he gave me while I was working two jobs in Amarillo while on TV to make ends meet. I was trying to decide on buying something “big” and I don’t even remember what it was. He said, “If you work hard, spend the money… or what are you working so hard for?”
Another one he told me when I got my first job at Target back when I was in high school. I was scheduled to work on the same day I had a Track meet. He was encouraging me to choose Track over my job, and take the day off. He said, “You have your whole life to work, instead of play, don’t start too early.”
And I pass along a lot of Pete’s advice to students I teach, interns that work for me, and others I’ve mentored. I don’t think he knows how deep his roots go. And how far his legacy reaches.
I’m betting I’ve said a few things on TV over the years that were pulled directly from him.
I’ll never forget Pete. How could I? I ride my bike a few times per week, and he got me into biking. And drive my Jeep on the weekends, and he bought me my new wheels for it about a year ago! Every time I do push-ups, see a Jaguar driving down the road, or have a protein shake he’s on my mind.
I was lucky to get two extra years with my Uncle. Yes, I wish it were many, many more. But I got two extra years. Two years of text messages. Two years of talkin’ Jeeps. Two years of motivation to keep biking. Two years of the occasional chat to just say hi.
And it is stuff like that, The little stuff, that I’ll miss the most.
I write all of this to remind everyone to take the time, today, this evening, right now to tell the people you love that you love them. Tell them what they mean to you. Let them know. Now.
There is a lot of bad in the world. Be sure to make time to make some good.
I’ll be taking a trip home to see if I can see him one last time next week. The Interns will be taking over around here. And there are no guarantees I even make it home in time. But it is a trip I have to take.
Because if I work hard, I spend the money. And he is worth every penny I have.
Nick, The post you made about your uncle really touched my heart. I’m praying that you are able to get home in time to see him and spend a few more minutes with him. I could feel your love for him and your grief in the post. Please be careful going home. I don’t know you personally but you have meant a lot to me. Take care. God bless you and your family. God bless Uncle Pete.