We have 1 minor league team home this week and the Yankees are playing out in Boston. Some nicer weather this weekend after a string of cloudy days and rain. Let’s get into some good weather!
New York Yankees
Tonight the Yankees play the Red Socks in Boston at 7:10pm EST. Temperatures will be in the low 80s for batting practice and will continue to cool down to the low 70s by the end of the game. The humidity will start pretty low at about 35% but increase up to about 50% by the final innings. There will be some clouds for batting practice that will give way to clear skies for the game. Winds at the surface will be about 4mph and at 150ft winds will be about 10mph. The winds will be pointing towards the right foul line. The wind may help with the rising of the ball which may cause some more right foul balls.

Saturday night the Yankees face off against the Red Socks again in Boston at 7:15pm EST. Temperatures will remain in the mid 70s and will start to cool down as the evening goes on. Humidity on the other hand will be gradually increasing throughout the game starting at around 50% and increasing to about 60%. Winds will start out at about 10mph at 150ft and slow down a bit to about 8mph. Winds will be pointing towards left field which may help carry some balls out in the direction.

The Yankees finish their series against the Red Socks on Sunday night at 7:10pm EST. Temperatures will be around 80 degrees with humidity at around 50%. It will be a very clear night with light winds at the surface. At 150ft winds will be around 10mph with a slight increase throughout the game. Winds will be pointing infield towards home plate which might keep those fly balls infield more. A pretty warm night out in Boston!

Brooklyn Cyclones
The Cyclones take on the Rome Emperors tonight at 7pm EST. Temperatures will start in the low 80s and cool down to the mid 70s. Humidity will be around 40%. There will be some clouds during batting practice but those clouds will pass by game time. Winds will start stronger in the first few innings but weaken throughout the game. At 150ft winds will start around 12mph and die down to about 8mph. The direction will be towards center right field which might help bring some balls out there.

Saturday night’s home game against the Emperors starts at 6pm EST. Temperatures will be in the upper 70s with humidity starting at 50% and increasing to almost 70% by the end of the game. Winds will be a bit stronger than Friday with surface winds around 10mph. At 150ft winds will be around 15mph pointing towards home plate. This might keep balls from making it all the way outfield.

The Cyclones finish their series against the Emperors at 2pm EST on Sunday afternoon. Temperatures will be at 79 degrees with humidity around the high 50% area. Winds at the start near 10mph and increase to about 15mph. Winds at 150ft will start at 10mph and increase to 17mph by the end of the game. The direction of the winds would be pointing towards home plate. This might keep balls closer infield. It will be a pretty warm afternoon with some wind!