In an effort to help players during the game, or you to plan your next trip to the ballpark, or to help give your fantasy team a special edge, we developed the Comprehensive Ballpark Forecast. This forecast, with the assistance of AI, offers a look at what the conditions at the game will look like inning-by-inning.
The CBF offers temperature, humidity, wind direction and speed – at three different altitudes – as well as the general motion of the air. Plus the amount of cloud cover, chance for rain and chance for storms nearby.
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The Comprehensive Ballpark Forecast breaks the game down into three parts, plus a bonus part for pre-game batting practice. The metrics offered include temperature, humidity, wind speed (at ground-level, 50ft, and 150ft), wind direction (in degrees, and easily lined up with the compass on the field to the left), general air motion above the ballpark (negative means the air is moving up, positive means the air is moving down) giving you an idea about how much movement the ball may get vertically, the cloud cover, the chance for rain, and the chance for lightning.
It is a one-stop shop for a quick at-a-glance rundown for how the weather will impact the game.