9/12/19 Tropical Update – Overnight model track shift on Invest95L

The model guidance for Invest 95L made a distinct shift overnight to the east. The above image may look like a bit of chicken-scratch, but what it shows is a push to the east in…

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Invest95L drifts toward Gulf of Mexico, chances for tropical development increases

The National Hurricane Center is tracking three different areas for potential tropical development. The closest to the United States is Invest 95L Cu rent model guidance suggests that Invest 95L will drift into the Gulf…

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MJO / Kelvin Wave may increase Atlantic activity in coming weeks

I don’t often get onto sub-seasonal oscillations on here for a handful of reasons… 1. I don’t know as much as I wished I did about them 2. In general, it doesn’t apply to everyday…

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Tropical Atlantic busy as peak of Hurricane Season approaches

The peak of Hurricane Season is coming – whether we like it or not. The peak of the Atlantic hurricane Season is on September 10th, and the Atlantic basin is reflecting that. Hurricane Dorian is…

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9/1/19 11PM update: Hurricane Dorian update with NHC discussion, forecast, model data & extras

via GIPHY Hurricane Dorian continues to track – slowly – to the west. It is slowly coming to a stop and is still anticipated to turn north. Here is the latest from the NHC: SUMMARY…

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8/31/19 9AM Hurricane Dorian update – NHC discussion and details

Here is a quick look at Hurricane Dorian SUMMARY OF 800 AM EDT…1200 UTC…INFORMATION ———————————————- LOCATION…25.8N 73.0W ABOUT 445 MI…715 KM E OF WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA ABOUT 280 MI…450 KM E OF THE NORTHWESTERN…

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8/30/19 1PM Hurricane Dorian update: NHC discussion, model data and extras

Hey friends, I will attempt to be as thorough as possible as this may be my only post of the day, today. As of latest update at 1PM, Hurricane Dorian was a Category 3 Hurricane.…

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8/30/19 2AM update: Hurricane Dorian continues toward Florida

This is probably the best way to describe my relationship with Hurricane Dorian. The now-Category 2 Hurricane is drifting toward Florida. Gaining some strength. Gaining a little predictability. Total transparency here: For the first few…

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