Weather Alarmists on social media may be less profitable after NOAA upgrade

It is the time of year again where two-week-from-now hurricane forecasts start to be a weekly occurrence. On Facebook and Twitter, the “Super Weather Action Radar 7000 Alerts Central” accounts usually post things like… EARLY…

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Rick Smith helps those with Severe Weather Anxiety

Rick Smith, the Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the Norman, Oklahoma National Weather Service office is doing great things to help those that are struggling with Severe Weather Anxiety. In the clinical world, sometimes this is…

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Research shows connection between Gulf temps and severe weather

Matt Haworth, meteorologist for StormGeo, presented research connecting Gulf of Mexico sea surface temperatures to severe weather potential along the Gulf Coast. “Basically I expanded on a study done by Roger Edwards and Steven Weiss…

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New severe weather calculation using Karrie’s stress level

Hopefully, this works. It should. But, in weather, nothing is perfect. Words I muttered to myself as I sat down at my Ubuntu Linux computer and opened up LibreOffice Calc. In an effort to solve…

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Possible links between SST, rainfall, TX/OK panhandle tornadoes

Yes, the title isn’t exactly gasp-worthy. Nor is it a ground-breaking new idea. I know. But What I found out was interesting! For those of you who frequent this site – and there aren’t many…

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