After four-consecutive “wins” at seasonal forecasting, last year’s Outlook was, in a word, not great. It felt like I missed nearly every place I tried to get right. Okay, it wasn’t that bad. I gave…
Category: Seasonal Outlooks
2019-2020 Winter Outlook verification: It was “drier-than-normal”
Well, it sure felt like a wet and mild winter, but feelings can be vastly different from fact. And they usually are. Our brain tends to get int eh way of remembering objective observations. That…
Read more of 2019-2020 Winter Outlook verification: It was “drier-than-normal”
South Mississippi 2019-2020 Winter Outlook
The Preamble Just like last year, don’t worry, I know that there are, like, infinity “Winter Outlooks” floating aorund the web. Everyone has one of these. And they all say something different. They all have…