
13 thoughts on “Got’Cha!!!

  1. tee heee
    I stamped 2 of my chickens eggs with my stamp and put them in my Dad’s chicken house.. So 2 eggs said

  2. Mannnnnn you sooo wrong for this!!! GIGGLING!!! Yall play too much(teenage slang)!!! LMBO!!! You had me calling all my family members telling them we gotta cancel our every year HUGE Easter Sunday Jenkins Family gathering!!! I mean my blood pressure had went up that quick! Bcuz we already bought food and was expecting alot of people so you had my dream shattered for those few minutes! I even called Sis. Terrica Washington thats goes to my church and told her the cruel joke you did to us!!! WDAM yall a mess!!! GIGGLING! Let me calm down!!!!

  3. I taught high school for 25 years and have had plenty of April fool’s jokes played on me. This is right up there with the best!

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