Head to Your Local Meat Locker for Complete Relief This Memorial Day Weekend

I have a pretty good idea of what I’m going to do this Memorial Day weekend. As soon as I head to work, I’m staying in the fridge all day. Let’s just hope Leatherface isn’t looking for me while I’m hiding in there.

The point is, this weekend is going to be very hot leading into an early summer pattern. I would recommend sunscreen and plenty of water if you’re going outside during the day whether you’re working or spending time at the family cookout.

On Friday, we’ll see a few low level cumulus clouds develop early in the day and remain throughout, but it won’t give us too much relief as the high will reach 90 by the afternoon. The low will be 68 and winds are coming from the southeast at 5 mph.

Saturday we’ll hardly see any clouds developing as the ridge gets stronger with a low of 67 and a high of 93. Winds are from the south at 5 mph.

Sunday is definitely going to be overheating the Pinebelt. A low of 70 and a high of 95 is going to keep anyone indoors or at the pool all day long.

Monday we’ll see a few high level clouds in the sky, but won’t keep the sun from beating down on us. The low will be 71 and the high will be 93 with winds from the south at 5 mph.

Tuesday brings back the low level cumulus clouds and winds will be slightly stronger, but we’ll still have the hot temperatures as the ridge remains over us with a low of 70 and a high of 92.

Wednesday we’ll hardly see a cloud in the sky as the front moves above us leaving us high and dry with a low of 69 and a high of 93 with winds south at 5 mph.

Thursday is the same story with a few upper level clouds passing, but otherwise hot with a low of 70 and a high of 92 with winds south at 5 mph.

Have a great week, don’t get too hot and stay hydrated!

Author of the article:

Noah Gower

Meteorologist residing in Hattiesburg, MS. Loves skateboarding, bass guitar/music, and a good motorcycle ride. Currently working as an AV Tech.