Last night at 10p on the news I showed a video that was sent to me by Allison Mckenzie. It showed her sink pouring out liquid water that would freeze instantly on contact with the sink.

Pretty cool stuff. My original hypothesis is that the water became super-cooled in the pipes and when it came out of the faucet BAM instant ice. After I showed this on air, I received a few other messages from people saying their sink did the same thing!
And that is pretty incredible. Often it takes deionized water or very pure water to get it to do something like that. I would bet that everyone who saw this happen is using well water and not city water because purity is the key.
For example, our good friend @SevereWeatherMS did the same thing with a bottle of purified water.
If you want to do this in a water bottle, you can find plenty of how-to videos on youtube. It’s a fun trick! If you want your kitchen sink to do this… well, I wouldn’t recommend trying that. The consequences of trying to get sub-freezing water to remain liquid in your pipes and failing is expensive.