So, the Farmer’s Almanac came out with its yearly “It’s going to be the worst winter ever” forecast the other day and it got a lot of people’s attention. It was even leading newscasts as “breaking news” in some spots. Historically, some weather folks have used it like it contained some actual value. Though, in…
I’m sure that got your attention. But six topical systems in the Gulf is pretty typical. On the average, since 2000, we’ve seen between 4 and 6 tropical systems (that includes tropical depressions) in the Gulf. And, since 2000, that includes 1-3 hurricanes. So, looking at this season, when you break down the analogs and…
The Climate Prediction Center recently updated the forecast for the United States. While not much changed from the previous forecast, here is a breakdown of a few things to watch.
Climate Prediction Center monthly forecast maps
Climate Prediction Center seasonal forecast maps (months 1-3)
Climate Prediction Center seasonal forecast maps (months 2-4)
Here is a look at three of the dozen teleconnections monitored to determine weekly, monthly and seasonal forecasts…
El Nino / La Nina
Here is a look at sea surface temperatures…
Madden-Julian Oscillation
MJO forecast from the CPC // Courtesy:
Love the app!
Love the app! Shouldn’t the anomaly maps say Pentad or is this an alternative spelling?