A quick reminder to everyone out there that during the summer it is never – NEVER! – a good idea to leave a child or a pet in the car. Even if it is just for a few minutes. Even if the window is cracked. Even if the car is running with the air conditioning going, too.
Because, frankly, you never know.
Take a look at this chart. This is how fast your car can become dangerously hot during the summer.
Even in places with “mild” summer temperatures, it can still get up to 120F inside a car in as little as 30 minutes.
Generally, when temperatures are between 72F and 96F, the increase in temperatures in most cars is quick and dramatic during the first 15 to 20 minutes. The graph below from from the NWS in Little Rock chows that you can pick up nearly 30F in air temperature inside the car in about 20-25 minutes.

That is why the National Weather Service is really pushing the “Look before you lock” campaign to encourage everyone to avoid leaving kids and pets in cars during the summer.