I have a new page fore everyone to Bookmark! Or rather, maybe a few set of pages. I set aside some space that archives and catalogs all of the forecasts for each Zone we’ve added over the summer. These pages will, in the words of author Andrew Brandt, “automagically” populate with the latest forecast when it is posted.
That means you can just bookmark these pages and pop them open and always have access tot he latest forecast for your zone!
You can find those forecasts by click on the pictures below:
As for the forecast… Things are looking up! Or rather, you’ll be looking up, at things! That’s because extra clouds are returning with a chance for storms. As we head through today there will be a few storms int eh area. Tomorrow will feature a slightly better chance for storms.
Not a complete washout by any means, and some folks may actually squeak through both today and tomorrow with no rain, but it is a better shot for rain than we’ve seen the last few days for sure. And I know many of you are dealing with brown grass and drooping tomatoes.
Afternoon high temperatures will ease back to around 90 in the coming days, too.
All the while we will continue to keep tabs on the tropics. The National Hurricane Center continues to monitor the area out in the open Atlantic as well as the area a bit closer to home in the Gulf.

Neither, at this point, pose any imminent threat to the northern Gulf Coast.