Cool Tech Innovation Coming Soon!
For those who have been here for a while, I’m working with NQLBOT – our AI weather helper – to produce a county-by-county forecast that digs even deeper and provides a more tailored forecast for you. Like, specifically you. And you too. And your friends. And your family.

Imagine getting a severe weather forecast that included all of the extra stuff I send out (with that county-by-county breakdown) plus a place to click/tap that gave you a forecast for how YOU need to prepare based on your specific threshold for risk.
Questions I often receive, like, “I live in a Mobile home, what should I do?” or “I’m not as mobile as everyone else, what should I do?” could have SOME answers available to you with every county-by-county breakdown.
These answers may not be as specific as you’d like them to be. I mean, I can’t tell you, “If you live on third street, make sure you leave at 2:57pm because a tornado will arrive at 3:01pm. If you live on Fourth street, the tornado will jump your road, so hang tight and let it pass. Fifth street, just leave town now.”
I can’t do that.
But with the help of AI I hope to be able to add coder information based on you specific needs that allow you to take steps before the storms arrive to make sure you are extra-prepared (if that is what you desire).

My goal is to offer a handful of options for each forecast, and when you tap over to the forecast on the app/blog, you would be prompted by a few options and it would tailor a forecast specific to your needs. And if you just want the regular forecast, you could also get that, too.
Teh flow chart above should give you a good idea about how I would build the forecast for you guys. Frist I’d get the regular forecast done, then break it into hour-by-hour chunks like I do now. Tehn into the county-by-county details like I post occasionally, too.
Then beyond that, I’d have a place where those county-by-county forecasts would have some extra info for people who have extra needs for extra information.
It is still in its infancy, but I’m going to really try to roll this out during Severe Weather Season and would have it in place before Hurricane Season.
Just another way I’m aiming to keep everyone as safe as possible when rough weather moves through!