The Ag Forecast is a set of meteorological and hydrological forecast data to help farmers, ranchers, and even home gardeners cultivate the best crops and keep animals and livestock healthy. This includes data like, humidity, UV Index, Fire Index, soil temperature and moisture, leaf wetness, evaporation, and evapotranspiration. Eventually, I’ll add others.
This data is available by clicking on the area of the map below that corresponds to your location. When you click/tap on a location, you’ll be prompted with a message letting you know which area you selected while it loads. Simply hit okay and when the data loads, it will be displayed in a new tab.
…Mobile users, scroll past the map…
Clickable Map

If you’re viewing on a mobile device and the map above is not registering your taps in the correct zone, follow these links for the Ag Forecast for the corresponding zone above.