National forecast for 8/11/24: Continued flood threat for the Carolina coasts, a warm Southeast, monsoonal moisture for the Southwest, and fire threat in the Northwest

Hello there. Thanks for reading this national forecast report for August 11th, 2024; there is a lot to discuss in this discussion. If you have been paying attention to the weather news recently, you may…

Read more of National forecast for 8/11/24: Continued flood threat for the Carolina coasts, a warm Southeast, monsoonal moisture for the Southwest, and fire threat in the Northwest

6/3/24 – Tropical Outlook: Above-average Hurricane season still likely

Well, it’s June… where are the tropical systems? Just because Hurricane season isn’t necessarily starting on time, doesn’t mean we will have a quiet year. NOAA is still projecting an active Hurricane season for the…

Read more of 6/3/24 – Tropical Outlook: Above-average Hurricane season still likely