2/2/22 830p Southern MS/AL/LA severe weather update: Thursday’s storms still pose severe weather risk

I’ve heard from a few folks asking about why I’m the only one talking about the chance for severe weather. It is a good question. And I’m glad folks are curious. It is good to…

Read more of 2/2/22 830p Southern MS/AL/LA severe weather update: Thursday’s storms still pose severe weather risk

12/10 830p UPDATE: Storms possible, few severe, Saturday morning that linger into the afternoon

Severe weather isn’t as likely for the Southern MS/AL/LA area as it is for places in Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky. So while it is the same system, the impacts will be a bit different this…

Read more of 12/10 830p UPDATE: Storms possible, few severe, Saturday morning that linger into the afternoon

10/9/20 10AM NHC UPDATE: Delta still Category 3 Hurricane, landfall this evening

Major Hurricane Delta continues to pinwheel toward the Louisiana coastline. The storm is still moving north around 12mph. The impacts during the next 24 hours will be spread across parts of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi…

Read more of 10/9/20 10AM NHC UPDATE: Delta still Category 3 Hurricane, landfall this evening

Karrie Meter now 2-for-2 this summer, 3-for-3 unlikely

Tuesday I wrote about trying out the Karrie Meter on the storms for Wednesday. Turned out alright. A reminder, the Karrie Meter looked like this: And here is a look at the number of Severe…

Read more of Karrie Meter now 2-for-2 this summer, 3-for-3 unlikely

Southern Mississippi: Next round of potential severe weather arrives March 3rd/4th

Enjoy the sunshine and dry weather this weekend. The next round of storms arrives on March 3rd / 4th. the Storm Prediction Center has highlighted the area with a Slight Risk for severe weather. From…

Read more of Southern Mississippi: Next round of potential severe weather arrives March 3rd/4th