Tropical Storm Fred Pt. 2 – It is back, and it is kidney bean shaped

A few things happened overnight with Fred. Frist off, Fred is a Tropical Strom again. And it is headed toward the Florida panhandle. Again. The center of Fred reformed under an explosion of convection well…

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8/14/21: Fred ain’t dead yet – Mississippi/Alabama in the Forecast Cone

The Tropical Storm formerly known as Fred couldn’t have taken a more difficult path to the Gulf of Mexico. After waltzing through the Caribbean like Sideshow Bob moves through a field of rakes, it decided…

Read more of 8/14/21: Fred ain’t dead yet – Mississippi/Alabama in the Forecast Cone

South Mississippi Forecast 8/12/21: Storms again today, with eyes on Fred

Another day, another round of showers and storms possible in the afternoon. Not much will be different today. It does look like storms won’t be quite as potent, but a few strong storms will be…

Read more of South Mississippi Forecast 8/12/21: Storms again today, with eyes on Fred

8/11/21 7PM Tropical Storm Fred update

It is still out there. It is still getting beat up by Hispaniola. And I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Given the available data, the overall pattern atmospherically, and the timeline laid out by…

Read more of 8/11/21 7PM Tropical Storm Fred update