From severe weather to freezing temperatures: Gotta love Mississippi weather!

Sunday a strong cold front will sweep through Mississippi ushering in much colder air. Along the leading edge of the cold air, showers and storms will develop with the potential for severe weather, too. Generally,…

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Quick Update: Multiple low-end severe threats this week for Gulf Coast

It wouldn’t be the Mardi Gras season unless we were talking about parades, right? Well, Mother Nature is celebrating with a parade of her own. And each system – like different floats in a parade…

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2/11/19 detailed weather forecast for South Mississippi

Before everyone starts to see snow “forecasts” pop up in their social media feeds, I wanted to “nip this one in the bud” before it got too far. Yes, one model output does show colder…

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Early guidance shows low-end severe weather threat next Tuesday for South Mississippi

Early indications are suggesting that next Tuesday may be a stormy day for the Pine Belt. But there are still a lot of things that are “up in the air” so to speak. But I…

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Saying “It is colder than Antarctica” about the weather is silly, here is why

I’ve seen a handful of news outlets reporting that Chicago, Minneapolis and International Falls are “Colder than Antarctica!” and “Colder than Mars!” I’m not making this up, either. As if exclaiming that the “Polar Vortex…

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Overnight update on snow forecast for south Mississippi

As of this writing (11:50pm, Monday night) things are starting to pick-up a bit in the weather department as rain changes over to snow in some places across parts of central and northern Mississippi. To…

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The South & the science of the snowy forecast

Surface map from 1/28/19 00z NAM // Courtesy: Pivotal Weather via GIPHY Sounds like an episode of the 1960s Batman TV show doesn’t it? I have good news, it will be just as fun. As we…

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