Where are TV meteorologists from?

I’m lucky enough to belong to a facebook group with more than 1,500 television meteorologists from across the country.

The group allows everyone to put their heads together on a tricky forecast, debate the newest research, and discuss topics about the industry.

One person recently asked about where everyone was raised – just out of curiosity. Turns out the answer was really cool!

Of the more than 250 meteorologists that answered, another person in the group put it all on a map!

Aren’t meteorologists the coolest?

Turns out a vast majority of the television meteorologists in the “survey” are from east of the Rockies. With even more east of the Mississippi. Cities like Cleveland, Chicago, St. Louis and Atlanta have pockets of multiple meteorologists from the cities and the suburbs. Plus there are plenty in the northeast, too.

Neat stuff!

Author of the article:

Nick Lilja

Nick is former television meteorologist with stints in Amarillo and Hattiesburg. During his time in Hattiesburg, he was also an adjunct professor at the University of Southern Mississippi. He is a graduate of both Oregon State and Syracuse University that now calls Houston home. Now that he is retired from TV, he maintains this blog in his spare time.